
Gurdwara Nanaksar Bagthala, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India

Location on Map Gurdwara Nanaksar Bagthala - Weather

This This Gurdwara is located in the village Bagthala in Kurukshetra district of Haryana state. This Gurdwara is located in 18 acres of land area. To reach the Gurdwara one has to go to Pipli, which is located on Ambala-Delhi GT Road. From Pipli go to Kurukshetra which is 3 km from Pipli. Bagthala is located about 13 km from Kurukshetra. Gurdwara was constructed under the patronage of Sant Baba Gurdev Singh Jee in 1974. The village of Bagthala used to suffer from the menace of ghosts and the people living in the village were very scared. The Sangat of this village requested Sant Baba Gurdev Singh Jee to build a Gurdwara here. Baba Jee acceded to their request and built a Gurdwara to mitigate the sufferings of the people of this village. Baba Jee built the Gurdwara at a place where the people feared to go even during the broad daylight times. There was lot of poverty in the area before Gurdwara was built. Now the village and the area have lot of non-resident Indians living all over the globe. It is pertinent to mention that this village and area has contributed the highest number of Ragiis (Monks) to Nanaksar institution. Dashmi is celebrated at this Gurdwara at about 10 am. The Sangat from all over the area come to attend the Bhog of Sri Sampat Akhand Path of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee and Katha & Kirtan after taking a holy dip in the Sarovar. Free dispensary is functioning inside the Gurdwara where Homeopathic doctor is available as per posted schedule for free consultation and free dispensing of medicines.

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