
Gurdwara Shri Manji Sahib Alamgir, Ludhiana, Punjab, India

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Gurdwara (Sikh place of worship) Manji Sahib (also known as Alamgir Sahib) is located near the village of Alamgir, Ludhiana district, Punjab, India. Guru Gobind Singh, tenth guru of the Sikhs, stayed here for a short while. Upon reaching Alamgir, Guru Gobind Singh is reported to have shot an arrow into the ground; a spring appeared from that place (now known as Tirsar). He was also presented with a horse here by a devoted follower.

Manji is a Punjabi word for a small bed and Sahib is term to show respect for the item described in the preceding word. The term Manji Sahib is used in the Sikh tradition for the small bed on which the Holy Sikh Scriptures, Sri Guru Granth Sahib is placed during the day in the main hall (Darbar Sahib) of the Gurdwara.

When one enters the Darbar Sahib of a Gurdwara, one is naturally drawn to the centrally placed platform (Takhat) on which is throned the Sri Guru Granth Sahib on the Manji Sahib covered with a rich and colourful cloth called a Rumalla. The platform is covered with a Palki Sahib and then on top of that is placed a rectangular canopy called a Chanani, which is a large covering made of rich cloth attached high above the Guru's seating near the roof.

The Manji Sahib is a rectangular bed about 1.2 m by 0.6 m which is constructed of a wooden frame and legs. The rectangular frame structure is then woven with webbing material to form the suspended surface on which is placed the sheeting and pillows to support the physical "saroop" (body) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

The Manji Sahib is first covered with white cotton under sheets and three small pillows on which is placed the saroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The saroop is also covered in white cotton sheeting and then with rich silk and other expensive materials, which are called Rumallas.

At the time of a marriage it is customary for the Bride and Groom to present a new Rumalla for use in dressing or covering the Sri Guru Granth Sahib when It is not being read by a Granthi.

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