Birdhbaba came to Domegaon at the age of nine and started living on the bank of the river flowing though the village. He was popularly called Biradh baba however no one knows his real name. He spent 12 years meditating on the bank of the river. The legend tells that during the meditation the river used to meet baba in the middle of the night at 12AM in her human form and offer him three cups of water to quench his thirst. She would then speak with him for few minutes and depart.
After a few years villagers (mostly farmers and farm hands) started getting curious about this new character in the town. Baba would occasionally advise them about spiritual life and to pray to god regularly without fail. Gradually his popularity grew and villagers started respecting him. One day a villager asked him if he could meet him at night. Baba politely replied that he is busy meditating throughout the night and the river speaks with him at midnight.